Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strong Women, Strong Ideas

I got hit by a ton of stuff the last couple of days which drained my energy a big way...

It all started a week ago when I C
OULD NOT get any sleep because of the toothache from hell...really, I took 3 different pills and they did not do a darn thing, I managed to fall asleep at 4 am and I had to get up and go to work just 2 hours later.

The next night I was obviously dead tired and went to sleep pretty early just to be awaken by my bed shaking at 2 am; at first I thought it was my dog jumping into my bed, but then I realized that this wasn't that turned out to be the effects of the Honduras earthquake which made the earth shake for more than 40 seconds. Try to get some sleep after that...

I got a return visit from the toothache on Friday morning and as much as I dislike visiting the dentist I finally accepted that this was not going away and spent my Friday afternoon, Saturday afternoon, and Tuesday afternoon going through a root canal procedure...on top of that, there's the added bonust that I had no extra cash lying around for this...

Ok, I'll stop the complaints now... Here are 2 cards I made when I felt the need of some relaxing. They have some text in the background, different acrylics textures and a magazine transparency done with some clear tape, and ink.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Hi, Jenn! Hope you feel better soon! Nice ATC cards! :-)

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